Curriculum Statement
‘All things are possible for one who believes’ – Mark 9:23
Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is underpinned by six core values which drive our school ethos, ‘Care. Believe. Succeed.’
The six values are:
- - Ambitious
- - Independent
- - Inclusive
- - Curious
- - Co-operation
- - Growth
Our values have been turned into visual representations as the learning characters seen below.
Curriculum Drivers
We aspire for each child to develop a deep interest in learning and therefore we are committed to building the best environment in which children can thrive, grow and achieve their full potential as unique individuals.
Whilst we recognise that core skills in English and maths are the foundations for learnings, we place equal importance upon all areas of the curriculum. We continually look for meaningful opportunities for children to apply their skills and knowledge that they have learnt in English and maths in other subject areas.
The curriculum at St Marys Junior School is fully inclusive. We support children to become the best version of themselves, to succeed and to exploit opportunities daily to stretch and challenge their own ideas. Staff will seek out relevant and purposeful opportunities to develop children’s social, moral, cultural and spiritual understanding across all subjects.
We teach children to make positive contributions to their community and the wider society. Cultural diversity is fostered through an appreciation of different human experiences and achievements celebrated in our school community, local area and beyond.
Curriculum Implementation
Our key goal is to ensure that learning is memorable and will be retained for life. To maximise memory retention, the following scientific principles underpin the planning of our curriculum.
- - Sequencing of content
- - Big ideas
- - Deeping concepts
- - Retrieval practice
The curriculum content taught at St Marys Junior School is sequential and builds on prior learning. We incorporate opportunities for both skills and knowledge based learning to happen, which allows our children to gradually develop a deeper understanding of the skills and processes with all subjects.
Our personalised Skill Progression Document can be found below.
Skill Progression Document
The design of our curriculum has been created to work alongside of the National Curriculum and is driven forward by our six values.
Curriculum Outcome
The impact of our curriculum is the measure of how well our intent has been realised. It is demonstrated through:
- - The success of our learners
- - The confidence of our children at being able to demonstrate the knowledge that they have retained over time
- - Judgements which are based upon a triangulation of different monitoring and evaluation activities within school, such as: book looks, pupil voices, assessment and the quality of the teaching and learning.
- - Outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school
- - The learning attitudes, engagement and motivation shown by the children
- - Ongoing AFL that addresses misconceptions and gaps in learning and inform planning to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the pupils needs
- - High level of engagement in home learning
- - Positive parental feedback
We aim for all our children to leave St Marys Junior School equipped with the core skills that our school’s ethos is built upon and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.
The National Curriculum 2014 – Key Stage 2, Years 3 – 6
- Year 3 Curriculum map summer term 2024
- Year 4 Curriculum map Summer Term 2024
- Year 5 Curriculum Map Summer 2024
- Year 6 Curriculum map Summer term 2024